Workplace Sexual Harassment Study

Thank you so much for being willing to consider working with me on the interview component of this research regarding Sexual Harassment (SXH) in the Animal Advocacy Movement in Canada and the United States.

It is my hope to have the opportunity work with between 10 and 20 of you on the interview component of this research.

Interviewing is a more intimate form of research where I hope to learn, directly from you and in your own words, how your work experiences with SXH may have impacted you and your life in a deeply personal way. I would do so by listening to you – listening to your story – and then summarizing your story, along with the stories of others, in a way that prioritizes your confidentiality while also providing important information and recommendations for improvements to workplaces in our Movement. I will do this by having one or two Zoom-based meetings with you which will be recorded and then transcribed.

If you feel that you might want to move forward and participate with me, I would kindly ask that you click here and answer three (3) short questions. This link will stay open until March 17, 2023.

After March 17, 2023, I will reach out to you again. If you are asked to participate with me, I will send you an Informed Consent Form to review and sign, and then we can set up our first Zoom meeting.

Lastly, if you know anyone else who might be interested in participating, please feel free to share this information with them.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

If you have questions or would like more details, please contact me directly via email at, via my website here, or at (416) 666-3093 (call or text).